Hi Beth Sarim - glad someone else has noticed this.
Lot of people overlook things like Dada, comedy and clowning.These are all in Watchtower's toolbox.
The very first step is to slightly confuse you, make you think THEY are more intelligent/more in touch with God/better than you (that is what aristocracy means - better (aristo) power (cracy)), then get you to wait till you understand things better. Or until you have made progress.
Watchtower is a mantrap for Christians. A key part of the trap is that once they have slightly confused you on what appears a trivial issue which can be overlooked, they encourage you to ask questions.
BUT THE QUESTIONS ARE NEVER ANSWERED. Oh yes they'll get answered tomorrow when there's some new light from the aristocracy that is the GB. But tomorrow never comes and if there is new light, it is just new gobbledigook. AND YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DISAGREE WITH THAT GOBBLEDIGOOK.
It is like a chidren't game called Simple Simon Says. Everyone has to do what Simple Simon says or you are out.
But Christians are supposed to do what Jesus Christ says. Not Simple Simon. Or Simple anyone else.
Watchtower not only hijacks thinking ability, they hijack your moral compass. The one you are born with, your natural sense of right and wrong and your natural sense of love.